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C H A R A C T E R S 



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Protagonist of Heaven's Heresy.

Runa is the Aizel's House Class Leader. Cheerful, with good leadership skills, he actually hides a very low self-confidence and envies the qualities of the other students within the Monastery. His primary mission is to kill and purify Weils, with Zephyr as his bodyguard. 

The Monastery hides from Runa the fact that he is God Aizel Reincarnation, to promote the Awakening.

Affiliation: Black Butterfly Clan (formerly), Monastery (currently)

Age: 20

Height: 170cm

Race: Human, Aizel Reincarnation, Arkhos Reincarnation



Protagonist of Heaven's Heresy.

Zephyr is a Weil kept captive in the Monastery. He has been assigned to be Runa's bodyguard. He is responsible for the 10 Years' Eve Massacre. He wishes to kill and eat the Army Soldiers. However, the development of his attachment and emotional dependence on Runa prevent him from eating and killing humans afterwards.


Affiliation: Exiled of Eve (formerly), Monastery (currently)

Age: 200+ (chronologically) ; 22 (physically and mentally)

Height: 196cm

Race: Weil

Surname: The Cannibal Beast (by the Army)

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Theo is the most intelligent student in the Monastery and has exceptional analysis skills. He's Runa's best friend, despite their difference in personality, and feelings towards Hakuna. Theo admires Hakuna and believes he's his savior.

He is a descendant of the Blood Flames bloodline, responsible for the extinction of the Black Butterfly Clan.

Theo holds a terrible grudge against his twin brother, and wishes to kill him.

Affiliation: Casino of Splendor (formerly), Monastery (currently)

Age: 18

Height: 175cm

Race: Human (with Weil heart transplanted)



Camille is best friends with Runa and Theo. She integrated the Monastery to repent for her actions in the past. She is consumed by guilt over the death of her cousin Ethan and suffers from suicidal tendencies. She hides everything behind her cheerful and energetic attitude and is actually an emotional support for her two precious friends. She is one of the only students to have accepted the presence of Zephyr at the Monastery.


Affiliation: Monastery

Age: 19

Height: 158cm

Race: Human

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Aiden is considered one of the strongest WEIL HUNTER students within the Monastery. His bravery and altruism make him an excellent and respected leader.

He was a victim of the Black Market, letting him with one lung and a highly reduced life expectancy. He never talks about his conditions, despising being seen as vulnerable.

He wants to abolish the corporations leaded by the cruelty of Weils.

Affiliation: Monastery

Age: 19

Height: 179cm

Race: Human 



Niall is a WEIL HUNTER student hiding his Weil identity. He tries to learn as much as possible about human psychology in order to conceal his identity and be able to better understand his companions. Because of his nature, he may have trouble understanding the most basic things, and can easily say awkward things. 

He feels deep within him the anguish of being discovered, in particular, because of the explicit hatred that his two friends feel towards Weils.


Affiliation: Monastery

Age: unknown

Height: 180cm

Race: Weil

Other name: Ethan (formerly, human life)

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Athena is really close to Aiden and Niall, and are often seen together. 

Athena deeply believes she's the Reincarnation of Kira, after an encounter with the "Ribbon Weil" when she was a child. She aims to awaken Kira to kill him and avenge her deceased mother. While she is admired by the Monastery for her perseverance and will to awaken Goddess Kira, Runa sees it more as a loss of identity.

She has romantic feelings for Camille, the first person in the Monastery who has seen Athena as a whole different person from Kira.

Affiliation: Monastery

Age: 19

Height: 172cm

Race: Human 



Theresa is the WEIL HUNTER student with the strongest purification power. 

She is really appreciated in the Monastery for her selfless and caring personality. However, she hides her true personality behind hypocrisy. Suffering from a condition when she feels pain from people around her, she actually helps not out of altruism, but only to reduce her own suffering. She seeks to find out how and why she is suffering from this painful curse.

She is jealous of Axel for his genuine kindness.


Affiliation: Monastery

Age: 19

Height: 163cm

Race: Human (cursed)

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Luke is Theresa's bodyguard. He is a Weil submitted to the Monastery. He seems to have lost all consciousness and never speaks. All his actions only result from the orders given to him. Theresa doesn't show it but sees him as a mere slave and a way to vent her frustration as he is unable to feel pain.
Axel doesn't know if his acts of kindness are affecting Luke, but deep down he believes Luke's soul is still there.​

The absence of his consciousness is probably related to his final death wish as a human.

Affiliation: Monastery

Age: unknown

Height: 177cm

Race: Weil

Other name: Swan (formerly, human life) 



Axel is a Weil student specialized in long-range combat and plays a crucial support role during missions.
He was pushed by his father to join the Monastery when he wanted to become a doctor. 
Axel wishes to exploit the healing potential of the Purification Flowers growing from purified Weil corpses. He tries to retrieve them from the Cemetery or the Crematorium. He hides his research because removing Purification Flowers is an act of blasphemy that is said to prevent souls from going to Heaven.

He has romantic feelings toward Theresa and wishes to help people as much as she does.


Affiliation: Monastery

Age: 19

Height: 168cm

Race: Human

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Alexius is one of the main trainers of the WEIL HUNTER students. He is considered one of the strictest teachers. He is also a priest in charge of the Awakening of the God Aizel. He follows Runa since he is small.

He is responsible for Zephyr's submission to the Monastery, thus avoiding his death sentence, to keep a promise to a certain person. He seems to recognize Zephyr even though they have never met.

He is one of the victims of the Golden Winged Angels project of the Army and was taken in the Monastery by Astreas 200 years ago.

He has romantic feelings toward Elaine.​

Affiliation: Zenith City, Monastery, High Instance

Age : 200+ (chronologically) ; 27 (physically)

Height: 185cm

Race: Human (formerly), Half Golden Wing Angel

Surname: Bishop of Heavens (formerly)



Elaine is one of the trainers of the WEIL HUNTER students. In her spare time, she likes helping children at the Church. She is secretly close to Aiden, whom she met in the hospital when he was a child.

She was saved by Alexius in the past after her throat was cut by Heresia out of hatred towards Alexius.

Despite having saved her, she despises Alexius' attitude toward life, and blames him for playing with it, especially with her's and Zephyr's.

She seems to feel pity for Zephyr for reasons connected to the past, and even tried to kill him, "to shorten his suffering."


Affiliation: Monastery

Age: 200+ (chronologically), 24 (physically)

Height: 164cm

Race: Human (formerly), Half Golden Wing Angel

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Hakuna is an experienced WEIL HUNTER, and sometimes intervenes as a teacher to teach the taming of the Sacred Birds.

He was the priest in charge of Aizel's Awakening to become the Bishop of Heaven, but due to failures, he was removed from this position. His ultimate goal remains the Awakening of God Aizel within Runa, even though his actions to achieve his goal have made him hated by his little brother.

However, after realizing that Runa was Arkhos Reincarnation as well, Hakuna understands the danger of Runa's unstable emotions in the Awakening attempts.

Affiliation: Black Butterfly Clan (formerly), Monastery (currently)

Age: 25

Height: 181cm

Race: Human




Main Antagonist of Heaven's Heresy.

Happy is one of the first Children of Virtue, characterized by nearly white eyes and a non-beating heart. He was raised in the Trinity Temple in order to be offered as an offering to the God of Happiness Aizel, 1000 years ago.

Heresia uses his child form most of the time to hide his true appearance. He seems to be obsessed with the God of Happiness Aizel and wishes to resurrect him.
He haunts Runa's dreams to track his feelings and any potential awakening.

Affiliation: None ; Trinity Temple (formerly)

Age: 1000+ (chronologically) ; 10 (physically)

Height: 136cm

Race : Child of Vertue, Weil

Other name: Heresia (2nd name given by Aizel)

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Main Antagonist of Heaven's Heresy.

Heresia is the Originel Weil and is responsible for the cycle of Weils as well as the cycle of reincarnations. His ultimate goal is to fulfill God Aizel's death wish and resurrect him. He only uses his real form when he transforms humans into Weil. He is the one who granted Zephyr's death wish.
The Ribbons Hat he is wearing comes from a traditional custom where on each ribbon is written a specific wish with the invisible ink of the Stream of Fleeting Lights.​

Affiliation: None ; Trinity Temple (formerly)

Age: 1000+ (chronologically) ; 25+ (physically)

Height: 183cm

Race: Child of Vertue, Weil

Other name: Happy (true name)



Spring is known as "The Traitor of the Black Butterflies" after leading the Blood Flames Hunters to slaughter her own clan. She could no longer bear the naive altruism of the clan and in particular the use of medicine which pushed the Weils to massacre humans.
She's in the health unit in the Monastery and pretends to repent her actions from the Black Market. She is actually a member of the Weil Slayer Organization, where they kill Weils without a purification ritual afterward, thus opposing the beliefs of the Monastery.


Affiliation: Black Butterfly Clan (formerly), Weil Slayer Organization (currently), Monastery (currently)

Age: 23

Height: 173cm

Race: Human

Other name: May (true name)

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Zeus' ultimate goal is to find his lost son Ethan, a victim of the Black Market. He became the leader to get control over it, hoping to find him. 
He has a strong sense of family love, a feeling he believes is rare among the Weils. After Happy's request, he finds Nathan in an abandoned restaurant and is touched by the love he has for his brother even after becoming a Weil. 

He has great respect for Happy and fulfills all his requests, even though he's aware that he's only entertainment for him.

Affiliation: Casino of Splendor, Black Market

Age: unknown

Height: 186cm

Race: Weil

Other name: Miles (true name) 



Nathan is the adopted son of Zeus. He is in charge of the Human Heresy Restaurant where High-Society Weils meet in clandestine dinners to taste refined dishes made of human meat. 

Like his father, he wants to reunite with a family member: his twin brother. He wishes to be happy at his side, as before.

He feels gratitude to the Black Butterfly Clan for accepting his request to save his twin brother 12 years ago.


Affiliation: Casino of Splendor (formely), Black Butterfly Clan (formerly), Black Market (currently)

Age : 18 (chronologically) ; 6 (physically and mentally)

Height: 112cm

Race: Weil

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Gray is an enigmatic person whom Runa meets on a mission. He seems to know a Zephyr that isn't the one from nowadays. Even though Runa isn't interested in Zephyr's past, he listens to Gray's request. He asked Runa to save Zephyr's little brother from the Army, before learning that he died a long time ago and only his head remained in the Army QG.​

Runa would like Zephyr and Gray to reconnect, but Zephyr seems extremely distant from Gray, even despising him. Gray hopes he will be able to understand the circumstances of Eos' death, a person he was very attached to.

Affiliation: Exiled of Eve (formerly), None (currently)

Age: 200+ (chronologically) ; 25+ (physically)

Height: 180cm

Race: Weil



Isaac is one of the Army's lieutenants. He excels in the mass torture and slaughter of Weils.

He grew up with a hatred toward the Weils. Even after growing attached to Elliot in the past as a child, his hatred caused him to not hesitate to attempt to cut off his head when they met again. He wishes to create the Perfect Weil, in order to reach the Ribbon Weil, who killed and transformed his entire family into Weils. His own mother ate his left eye.

He is responsible for the Perfect Weil project, in which he conducts experiments on Zephyr.

Affiliation: Army

Age: 36

Height: 179cm

Race: Human

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Elliot is the only person that Zephyr turned into Weil, after a brief encounter when Elliot was a human child, in the Eve Forest. 
Elliot has an obsessive admiration for Zephyr and considers him his role model. At first, Zephyr refused to let Elliot follow him, slaughtering him several times. However, he gradually accepted Elliot's presence.

Watching Zephyr's behavior has caused Elliot to develop a cruelty and murderous insanity similar to Zephyr's.

Elliot's goal is to become as strong as Zephyr. He has adopted the same fighting style and enjoys slaughtering the soldiers of the Army as Zephyr does.

Affiliation: None

Age : 200+ (chronologically) ; 20+ (physically)

Height: 178cm

Race: Weil


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Astreas was a Bishop of the Heavens and known for his kindness and altruism.

He was one of the few reincarnations who was able to awaken Aizel, the God of Happiness. However, the awakening was fractioned and his consciousness remained even after it. This particular awakening created secret polemics and controversy within the Monastery. His romantic relationship with his wife Myriel has been accused of corrupting the receptacle of Aizel.​ 

He was often seen with his best friend, Alexius, formerly a Bishop of Heavens as well.

He tried to kill him when he was possessed by Heresia, causing him to be exiled. Everything has been kept secret and Astreas was considered MIA.

Nowadays, a statue of him appears in the Pantheon of the Monastery.

Affiliation: Monastery

Age: 25-32

Height: 182cm

Race: Human, Aizel Reincarnation (awakened)



Astreas was a prisoner exiled to Eve Island for his "blasphemous crimes against God".

He was the father of two boys, Zephyr and Eos, whom he deeply loved. Before being exiled, he asked his dearest friend, that, if one day his future son manages by a miracle to reach the Monastery, to watch over him.

A secret assassination plan against Astreas has been led by the Monastery and the Army, to let reborn a new Aizel Reincarnation.


Affiliation: Monastery (formerly), Exiled of Eve

Age: 32-44 (age of death)

Height: 182cm

Race: Human, Aizel Reincarnation (awakened)

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Eos was a shy but cheerful kid who lived on Eve Island with his father and big brother Zephyr.

He loved nature and listening to what his father knew about the outside world. He got really close to Gray, another exiled child.

Eos was very weak and fragile. He was often crying because of the difficult living conditions on the island.​

He died of sickness after eating the corpse of a loved one, under circumstances of agony and guilt towards his brother.

His head was found out by Runa in the Army QG.

Affiliation: Exiled of Eve

Age: 7 (age of death)

Height: 102cm

Race: Human, Arkhos Reincarnation


Gray was a young boy who kept his Weil identity secret in order to be accepted in a family in the Eve village. ​He met the two brothers after saving Eos from drowning. He maintains a certain friendly rivalry with Zephyr and he quickly became very close to both of them.

As soon as Gray finds himself in the dark, he hears a familiar voice from a young girl, keeping him awake, probably related to his forgotten human past.


Affiliation: Exiled of Eve

Age: unknown

Height: 150cm

Race: Weil

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Runa helps his parents to prepare remedies from Ash Flowers to heal anyone who enters their territory, human or Weil. He takes care of many Weils and even befriends them. Like any member of the Black Butterfly Clan, his main goal is to help anyone who's injured, even though they are monsters who have massacred innocent humans. He is not aware that his actions perpetuate the massacre of villages near the Clan.

Affiliation: Black Butterfly Clan

Age: 6

Height: 110cm

Race: Human, Aizel Reincarnation, Arkhos Reincarnation



Runa lost all memories related to the Black Butterfly Clan after its massacre due to trauma.
Hakuna and Runa found refuge in the Monastery. During a Children's Vows Ceremony, the High Instance and his big brother Hakuna understood that Runa is an Aizel Reincarnation. This ceremony has created a turning point in the relationship between the two brothers, which quickly deteriorates. Runa undergoes all the pressure from his brother to be able to awaken Aizel, pushing him to the limit, to the point he has wished his own brother to disappear.

Affiliation: Monastery

Age: 6-12

Height: 110-145cm 

Race: Human, Aizel Reincarnation, Arkhos Reincarnation

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Zephyr was a happy child who always tried to help his father feed the family. Despite the hunger and difficult living conditions, he kept smiling to be an emotional support for Eos.

Zephyr began to fall into insanity after his father's death and was in absolute denial, even keeping his body in their house.​

He was suffering from injuries and infections in his arms. The constant pain started to influence his behavior. He was beaten to death shortly after his brother died.

Affiliation: Exiled of Eve

Age: 12 (age of death)

Height: 143cm

Race: Human


Zephyr kept his distance from the exiled villagers by hiding in the Eve Forest.

He began to realize his satisfaction in killing and eating Army soldiers.

He spent a solitary and violent life killing the Weils of the Forest in order to become stronger and be able to feel the euphoria when eating the soldiers he has killed. 


Affiliation: None

Age: 12

Height: 143cm 

Race: Weil

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